

Opening School Mass

From the Deputy Principal

The sunlight streaming through amber, stained-glass windows, laid a blanket of golden glow over the congregation in St Patrickā€™s Cathedral. The calm atmosphere was equal to the warmth shown in the greetings and conversations of the community.

For some of our students, their first visit into this vast, neo-gothic structure may have been daunting but we remind ourselves of our 2025 college theme ā€œnever be afraid of the unknownā€ and embrace the new experience. Bishop Martin Ashe expressed that being ā€˜pilgrims of hopeā€™ can be achieved with God by our side when we work together, accompany and interact with one another.

The students showed pride and respect towards the community and their College. Gestures of singing, playing instruments, reading prayers or simply greeting and participating respectfully displays a positive culture for a college growing in number and showing reverence to our Catholicism and Mercy charism.

Thank you to Bishop Ashe, Fr Thang Vu, Gabrielle McMullen Board Member of Mercy Ministry Companions, Sr Carmel McCormick, Liturgy Leader Adam Valladares, coordination of choir and orchestra, Nadia La Velle and staff: Amber Sindoni, Katherine Barnett, Priscilla Luu, Administration staff, student leaders, prayer readers, altar servers, families staff and students for collectively marking this special occasion.

Ad Altiora

Rachel Valentine
Deputy Principal