Be Engaged.

Science comes to life at 果冻APP, with classes designed to maximimise opportunities to design and conduct experiments relating to the course content. Scientific Endeavour tasks are student-led and challenge students to develop their skills in communicating scientific ideas both creatively and concisely.

Extensive College facilities and classroom resources enable students to thoroughly explore the why and how of science in an environment rich with opportunity. The science curriculum and resources are adjusted and updated ongoing to ensure the emerging needs of each cohort are exceeded, and that all students are able to pursue their passions through a scientific lense.

There is a wide range of opportunities for students to further explore the subject area through Incursions and Excursions.

The Science Curriculum

Years 7-9
Years 10-12

Years 7-9

Year 7-9 Science students are introduced to the wide world of science by engaging in key content and skills within Biological, Chemical, Earth & Space, and Physical Science. Through this broad curriculum, many passions are ignited and students are given substantial opportunity to gain fundamental skills and knowledge in relation to the world around them.

Students actively investigate their learning and work collaboratively finding solutions to a range of contemporary issues. Creating a classroom space where scientific endeavours both past and present are discussed allows students to grow in understanding of scientific progress over the course of time and explore the subject matter in a cross-disciplinary pedagogy

Years 10-12

With expert teachers offering advice and opportunities to develop a deep understanding of the content, the Science Program from Year 10 aims to prepare students for their final VCE exams and for further education after the completion of their Secondary Schooling.

Year 10 classes focus on extending students' knowledge from previous years, adding depth and context to prepare them for VCE success. Year 10 students may participate in a VCE Science Unit 1 & 2 Course at Year 10, giving them the experience of undertaking a VCE subject ahead of the bulk of their Year 11 and 12 studies.

The St 果冻APP Year 11 and 12 program offers range of opportunities for students to extend their knowledge and experience. Science subjects offered at VCE include Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology.