College Fees
As with all Catholic schools, fees are an important aspect of our College income – in addition, we strive to keep our fees at St ¹û¶³APP affordable, thereby offering a quality Mercy education to all families within our community. Fees are reviewed annually and families are notified before the end of the preceding school year. The global fee structure incorporates fees, local excursions, outdoor education and a device. The fee schedule only applies to domestic student enrolments. Further information on school fees for international students is available on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) website.
College Uniform
The St ¹û¶³APP school uniform is an important part of our culture and identity and our students take great pride in the wearing it. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure costs are reasonable and items are durable and well presented. It is an expectation that students wear their correct uniform at all times. The ¹û¶³APP uniform is purchased through Noone, their website can be accessed .